Two colleagues having a friendly discussion in an office

Equity Mentorship & Sponsorship

May 2024

Embed an inclusive career support system into your workforce.

Drive transformative change by establishing a sustainable and equitable approach to career progression and talent development.


of participating leaders report increased confidence in their ability to mentor and sponsor diverse talent within 3 months of completing the programme.


increase in the retention rate of underrepresented employees over a 2-year period.


improvement in employee satisfaction scores related to inclusivity and career growth opportunities.

Course Outcomes

Leadership Development

Leaders who are well-prepared to guide and sponsor diverse talent, enhancing their capabilities.

Cultural Awareness

Heightened awareness means a more inclusive environment, enabling mentors and sponsors to offer tailored support.

Better Integration

Mentorship and sponsorship are seamlessly woven into the organisational fabric, intrinsic to your business' practices.

Thriving Relationships

Tools to navigate challenges, set clear goals, and thrive in working relationships, ultimately leading to advancement.

Cultural Transformation

A long-term culture shift, where diverse talent is not only acknowledged but actively supported in their career journey.

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