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Raising the bar on data literacy: How to approach company-wide data training

August 2024

How do your teams make decisions? Through careful data analysis, cross-referenced with individual skills and experience…

…or are they making snap decisions based on gut instinct and a glance at a spreadsheet?

Increasing data fluency is a necessity for businesses aiming to stay competitive and agile.  While some companies excel in utilising data, others struggle with low data fluency. But there’s a clear roadmap for systemically raising data fluency and ability throughout your entire organisation, regardless of industry or size.

Understanding the current data literacy landscape at work

Hiring for data skills is difficult

Almost half of organisations in the UK are hiring for individuals with data skills, and that means hiring in data talent is more competitive than ever. Building your internal data literacy is much more cost effective and robust long-term.

You team want to learn data

The same government survey revealed 70% of employees expressed interest in data skills training, and 46% felt their need for data literacy has increased over the past five years. Employees are crying out for accessible and applicable data training.

So, how do you increase the average ability threshold for data skills in your company?

How to approach data training in the workplace

Every organisation has a unique starting point when it comes to data fluency. It’s crucial to assess the current level of data proficiency between employees and departments. 

Typically, organisations might have a few highly skilled individuals, often concentrated in specific departments like finance, while the majority may only possess entry-level skills. They may also be fragmented across tools such as Power BI, Excel, and Tableau, from which they need to build upon.

Your why: Set clear objectives for your data initiative

Data is a broad topic, so defining clear objectives is vital to set you on the right path. Key goals we frequently see organisations come to our training platform with, include:

  • Enhance Decision-Making: Speeding up and increasing the accuracy of business decisions can be the innovation catalyst your organisation needs.
  • Boost Productivity: Organisations with strong data literacy report a 10% increase in productivity, saving an average of 4 hours per employee per week (Qlik Data Literacy Survey, 2019).
  • Increase Profitability: Leveraging data insights can optimise operations and drive revenue. Infact, the 2024 Data Literacy Index showed that highly data-literate companies achieved 7-9% higher revenue growth compared to those lagging in data skills. 
  • Improve Data Confidence and Security: Data protection is another sub-section of data work that will define an entirely different approach to “how”.

Your how: Strategic planning towards company-wide data upskilling

Look for a scalable training program with a high completion rate. Developing a comprehensive training program tailored to various proficiency levels within the organisation is essential. Here’s a suggested approach:

  • Baseline Assessment: Conduct surveys or assessments to identify current data skills and areas for improvement across different departments.
  • Customised Training: Design training modules that cater to different skill levels. For instance, advanced analytics training for data-savvy departments and basic data literacy for others. Accessible online learning platforms like UpSkill Universe can provide the flexible levels of training flexibility your organisation needs: See our data essentials course compared to leading with data.
  • Continuous Learning: Implement continuous learning opportunities to keep employees updated on the latest data trends and tools.
  • Hands-On Practice: Encourage practical application by integrating real projects into training sessions, allowing employees to apply their skills in a meaningful context.

Overcoming challenges and barriers to data literacy

Your company culture is critical to raising the bar for cross-team data upskilling. Here are some common challenges to overcome to build a data-first mindset:

Misunderstanding data use-cases or potential

To tackle the challenge of low general ability and understanding of data, start with foundational courses that demystify data concepts. Use relatable examples to illustrate the power and benefits of data in everyday work. These include: 

  • Process Bottlenecks: Where or with whom are processes becoming blocked?
  • Cross-Selling: Which unexpected products or services are clients purchasing together?
  • Financial Impact: The compounding financial impact of a seemingly small change over the span of 5 years.

Lack of confidence to experiment with data

Create a culture that encourages experimentation with data. Establish safe environments for employees to practise and experiment without fear of failure, and highlight internal success stories where data-driven initiatives have led to positive outcomes to inspire confidence.

Leadership buy-in is essential to confidence building by exemplifying a data-first mindset for the entire company. See our leading with data and AI course.

Negative perceptions of data work

Combat the perception of data as boring or difficult by making training sessions engaging and interactive. Incorporate gamification elements such as quizzes and challenges to make learning fun. Showcase exciting possibilities through case studies and real-life examples. You can even implement recognition and rewards to acknowledge individuals who effectively use data to drive positive outcomes.

Not having the necessary budget and resource for data training

Even with limited resources, it’s possible to make significant strides in data fluency. Dedicate a few hours each week to training sessions, ensuring consistency and gradual progress. Leverage affordable online courses with a strong completion track record to maximise your budget. Budgets are also where those goals come in. By tying ROI metrics to the training you can see your training actively make your organisation money.

Boost your team’s future skills with UpSkill Universe 

Whether you need to improve a team or your entire company’s data skills, we’ve got a programme for you. Prime your team with confidence to make data-driven decisions by getting in touch today!