
Data & AI Essentials

May 2024

Empower your workforce with future ready skills, for a competitive advantage.

All Employees.

This course develops your employees’ data analysis and AI skills, driving GenAI adoption, and giving you a competitive advantage in a transforming landscape.


of course participants successfully implement at least one AI-assisted process in their daily work within 3 months.


of departments report a measurable decrease in time spent on routine data-related tasks, freeing up time for more strategic work.

Course Outcomes

Efficiency & Productivity

Improved data and AI skills within your workforce mean you can enjoy sustained operational improvements.

Informed Decision-Making

Enhanced data-driven decision-making means you can strategise based on fact, rather than assumption.

Competitive Advantage

With a workforce adept at working with innovative AI applications, you can stay one step ahead of your competitors.

Culture of Learning

Dispelling doubts and inspiring your workforce with new possibilities increases buy-in and cultivates a culture of continuous learning.

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