Black employee in inclusive interview

Reverse Mentorship

May 2024

Embed a culture of knowledge sharing for a more engaged workforce.

Support a culture of mutual growth, knowledge-sharing and collaboration that benefits both mentors and mentees.


of senior leaders participating in the programme report a significant improvement in their cultural competence and understanding of diverse perspectives within 6 months.


average increase of employee engagement scores among participants within the first year of implementation.


reduction in turnover rates among employees from underrepresented groups within 2 years of implementing the reverse mentorship programme.

Course Outcomes

Enhanced Cultural Competence

Working cohesively, respectfully and with mutual understanding is key to the success of diverse teams.

Increased Innovation

Cross-cultural collaboration has the power to fuel innovation and encourage creative problem-solving.

Diverse Leadership

Bolster career advancement and leadership diversity, positioning your organisation as an advocate for inclusive and culturally rich environments.

Employee Engagement & Retention

Stronger employee engagement, leading to greater job satisfaction and company loyalty.

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