Bridging the Digital Divide with a Comprehensive Skills Hub

July 2024

UpSkill Universe collaborated with Westminster City Council to create a Digital Skills Hub, addressing digital exclusion and providing resources for residents and businesses in the borough.


Westminster City Council needed to develop a coordinated, evidence-based approach to digital inclusion that could serve residents, businesses, and frontline service officers. The challenge was to create a single point of access for digital skills resources and support, while also fostering innovation in tackling digital exclusion.


UpSkill Universe conducted a UK-wide audit of the digital skills landscape and worked closely with Westminster City Council to design and develop the Digital Skills Hub. The hub was created with specific personas in mind, catering to those affected by digital exclusion. UpSkill Universe developed low-fidelity UX designs, wireframes, and content aligned with Westminster City Council branding, ensuring a user-friendly and accessible platform.


of priority group residents reported improved access to digital resources


increase in digital skills engagement across the borough within six months of launch


of frontline service officers reported the hub as “highly effective” in supporting their work with digitally excluded residents

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